Ivyson Cabral

Conference 2024 Poster

Poster Title

Prevalence of lesions related to dental prosthesis use in users of the Unified Health System.

Authors and Affiliations

Ivyson Cabral 1, Jéssica Gomes1.
1.Centro Universitário Facol (UNIFACOL), Vitória de Santo Antão, Brazil.



The study focuses on the influence of tooth loss on systemic and stomatognathic balance, observing its relationship with sociocultural and economic aspects. The absence of specific data regarding lesions linked to dental prostheses in the Unified Health System (SUS) hinders prevention strategies. The aim is to understand the prevalence of these lesions in SUS users, noting prosthetic stomatitis as common due to prolonged prosthesis use and lack of guidance on maintenance. The project, conducted in Limoeiro/PE, relied on the analysis of medical records from patients treated at the Center for Dental Specialties in 2022.


A data collection was carried out in the records of patients using dental prostheses referred for oral diagnostic consultation (stomatology) at the Center for Dental Specialties (CEO) in Limoeiro/PE. All patients with prosthetic-associated lesions in the records were scheduled for follow-up appointments and new prosthesis fabrication. After data collection, it was tabulated in Microsoft Office Excel to perform descriptive statistics, creating frequency tables and graphs for the most relevant variables in this study.


55 dental records were assessed, and after applying the eligibility criteria, 36 records were chosen for data collection. All patients had some lesion or condition associated with the use of dental prostheses in their records. Regarding the presence of deleterious/parafunctional habits, a large portion of patients reported being former smokers. All selected patients are users of dental prostheses, mostly upper full dentures, with over 5 years of prosthesis use, and mostly ill-fitting. The most reported oral condition in the records was nodular lesions.


Through this study, it can be concluded that conditions related to the appearance or development of oral lesions associated with improper use of dental prostheses in patients treated at the Center for Dental Specialties – Irmã Marta, in the city of Limoeiro, include: habits, dependencies, systemic conditions, medication use, and prosthesis misfit. It is extremely important for the dentist to have knowledge about these lesions, their influencing factors, and treatment options to ensure accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment.